By bobjtoday on Sunday, June, 21st, 2015 in Social Today. No Comments
I did not realize it had been 30 days since being laid off until I was at the library and the clerk mentioned it was 11 June. Time has really flown by! It seems like yesterday I was being escorted out of the building. Well the dude abides until some weird stuff happened. Because of this site it is no secret that I was laid off but when I tell family and friends I find myself making excuses for being laid off. As if I had done something wrong to get on the list or pissed someone off who put me on the list. Anyway during a conversation with some friends I realized I was feeling guilty and blaming myself. I ended up floating around in the pool feeling sorry for myself and the result of that was a pretty good sun burn. I stepped off in the deep end for a few days…shut down…dropped out. But then I get a call from long time friends with a pretty good job offer. It is kinda strange not having a job and honestly I am not feeling very cool or laid back. More or less uptight and stressed. Maybe I should hop on my bike and hit the road for a few days….
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