By bobjtoday on Wednesday, June, 3rd, 2015 in Social Today. No Comments
Now that I am Laid Off I was doing some yard work today, For several years we had a safety fence around our pool in addition to the security fence that went around the yard. This spring I removed the fence to pressure wash the pool area. Removing the fence really opened up the back yard. I decided not to put it back. Both of our kids are swimmers so really there is no need for the safety fencing. However one thing the fence did was keep my extension cord that I use for the leaf blower out of the water. So today I was blowing leaves and debris from around the pool and felt a tingling in my hand and then POW! The leaf blower shot out of my hand and I was thrown in the Azalea bush. Both of my comfy-cozy slippers went flying in the pool. Once I gathered my wits I saw the extension cord in the water by the pool steps. Ya know when you do something really stupid you take a quick look around to make sure no one saw you do it? There were no witnesses to my Darwin Award performance.The pool power breaker tripped so I guess that was a good thing. I fished my soggy slippers out of the pool. Upon inspection I saw there was a crack the extension cord. The fried leaf blower went in the recycle bin. I wonder if they will take it? Hey as I am typing this it started to rain and the sun is still out-there is a rainbow arching across the sky right now-pretty neat!