By bobjtoday on Friday, May, 15th, 2015 in Social Today. 1 Comment
Wednesday: I was supposed to go back to the office today and pick up my boxes that was packed up but received a message that corporate VIP’s were in the office and not to come in. I never planned to actually go in the office. I thought they would cart the stuff out to me. Anyway I have received some interesting texts. Some thought that my position as Corporate Services was bullet proof since I touched on so many areas but my response was “yeah but not nuke proof” which I thought was kinda funny. At our National Sales Meeting in April I was told in conversations that I kinda had a job for life. To quote our former CEO Uncle Grandpa Ted during my annual review-I was a “rock star the gravy that touches everything.” Ted is a whole other story to be told later and yes he was also walked out by security.
Thursday: People keep asking if I am mad or upset which really I am not. This was a professional not personal action. The only thing that is puzzling to me is there was no transition of the projects I was working on. I had a charity golf tournament-Cisco and Citrix events-Samsung and the Varsity food trucks-Atlanta Zoo family day- pending insurance claims-DOT/Driver updates-several new hires to process-I was talking with the Chamber of Commerce to bring their big scissors and ribbon to the Cabot opening and that’s another thing the Cabot and Saturn open and closing. Who is following up or even knows what I working on for that? The security officers were still checking in with me this week until I told them yesterday to stop. I really have to wonder if they had any idea what I really did for the company. I also found out that Carol M was Laid Off. I hear she retreated to her boat on Lake Lanier for sunset cocktails!
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